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February 15, 2018

Clockwise Escape: Party In Vegas & The Asylum

Party In Vegas!

Clockwise Escape opened in 2017 in Downtown San Francisco and we were able to play both their games. We played "The Asylum" back in September 2017 and "Party In Vegas" in January 2018. Both these escape games were creative and solid, with the edge going to "Party In Vegas" for having a more unique theme and some whimsical elements that made everyone laugh. From their site:

Party In Vegas
"You wake up hungover in a trashed penthouse suite. Looks like you guys had the bachelor party of a lifetime last night, but you can’t remember a thing. How’d a motorcycle get in here? Who broke the front door? OMG where’s the RING?!?! It’s your buddy’s wedding day and the ceremony starts in an hour. Hurry up and get it together guys! You need to retrace your drunken steps from last night, find that ring and get out of here, fast! 

The Asylum
It's 1974 and you've been abducted as test subjects in a horrifying, government experiment! They’ve locked you away to conduct highly classified and unregulated tests on the limits of the human brain. The orderlies are down the hall preparing the first round of tests. Electro shock? Lobotomy? Chemical experiments? You have 60 minutes to escape before they come back and fry your brain for good. Hurry, it's time to get out! 

The Asylum

Puzzles, Technology & Set Design

Party in Vegas: The rooms started off with a LOT of padlocks. Thankfully, as we progressed throughout the game, the reliance on locks lessened and there were some really hilarious moments that we enjoyed. It was somewhat expected in a Vegas-style Hangover-esque type of room and we really wish there were more light and funny rooms like this out there. For the most part, there wasn't a whole lot of crazy tech but there were some nice touches that made clever use of some props.

The setting was fine given a hotel in Vegas isn't that exotic and we liked how Clockwise decorated the room, including the floor. I never used to notice floors but ever since another enthusiast pointed out carpet in a sewer of another room, I will forever always notice if the floor doesn't match the theme.

The Asylum: The rooms started off with some average riddle-like puzzles and one pretty creative tangible one that had us saying "Ohhhhhhhh". As we progressed, the puzzles started to have some tech integrated and were more advanced than the puzzles from the start of the room. There was one puzzle which may have been off limits in other places.

The decor was fine and similarly to Party In Vegas, great for the theme but nothing extravagant.

Memorable Moments 

Party in Vegas: There was a funny moment towards the end of the game that got everyone pumped up. Don't be shy to step up for the moment and go with the flow. :)

The Asylum: The "aha" puzzles were the highlights for this room.

Room For Improvement

In general for both rooms, if some of the padlocks could be swapped out with some more interactive props, the start of the game would be more unique. Also, there aren't any hidden rooms which people generally love discovering so it's best to go in knowing this to set expectations.

Overall Thoughts

Both rooms were solid fun with the edge going towards Party In Vegas for it's whimsical nature and fun. Everyone left the Party In Vegas room with smiles on their faces and it's best not to take this room too seriously!

  • Set design: Good
  • Difficulty: Easy-Medium
  • Price: $30/person
  • Number of players: 4-10, (we recommend 4-5), public
  • Duration: 60 minutes
  • Overall Rating: Party In Vegas ★★★★, The Asylum ★★★½ 
See their website here: https://clockwiseescape.com 

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